Phase I

This semester the collaboration between SCS and TJU starts from the first phase of the process, meaning that students from both universities will be working in the design and construction of a Teaching Restaurant in Xiamutang.

Phase I is about finding a site, and the one chosen is located at the entrance of the village. The building presence is one of the aspects to be taken into consideration for the design, as well as the open vision towards the farmland, the public activity spaces in the surroundings, the slope of the terrain and the big trees that cannot be taken down.Building S-13The program is a Teaching Restaurant for kids between 6 and 12 years old who would come to learn about the natural products, how to prepare them and eat them at the restaurant of the building.

Building S-14At this phase, each student had to come up with a project to fulfill the requirements and present it for an elimination process. After voting, 8 projects were sent to TJU students so they can keep working on them. We also received 8 projects from the TJU students which we will develop further on Phase II.

Here are some images of the 17 projects presented by SCS students:

Aino Hakulinen (selected project)


Albert Parera Sánchez (selected project)


Drenusha Blakcori (selected project)


Iga Maselkowska (selected project)


Mar Bartolomé (selected project)


Olav Bog Vikane (selected project)


Silje Charlotte Damhaug (selected project)


Alexander Karim Tamer Minge Salim (selected project)


Angel Andres Fernandez


Anne Sofie Solberg


Clemens Pörtner


Julien Palisse


Maria Tarruella


Mathilde Grindland


Saimi Inkeri Järvinen


Pia Straumsnes Tangen


Thomas Barouh