Day 11 on the site

Monday 20th of May

Since last Friday, that we had the day off to celebrate the Norwegian Constitution Day, we have been working really hard. Things are not going as smoothly as we would like. Everything takes more time than expected and we have to push ourselves to work as much as we can.

The walls have started to get higher and we will need scaffoldings soon. When all the block walls reached the sixth course, we put the steel reinforcement in and then poured the concrete in the holes. Luckily, we got a bigger concrete mixer that made the process go faster even though bringing the concrete with small buckets and vibrating every hole took some time.

Not all the walls have reached the levels of the slabs yet. However, in one of them you can already see the opening to the storage room.

A big excavator arrived yesterday to the site and started moving the earth from the sides to cover the foundations and get closer to the slab level. The excavator will need to come again in a couple of days to finish the work and prepare the surfaces with gravel to be ready to cast the slabs.

All pictures taken by Pei Sheng from UED and Mathilde Grindland from AHO.

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