The jury’s decision

Last Sunday, March 7th, the jury selected the winner project. All the jury members, Dr Sachao Xin, Chunhong Yan, Thomas McQuillan and Karl Otto Ellefsen, spent Sunday morning deliverating.

The A1 panels were pinned up in the studio and the jury went through all the video presentations. The final decision was made, the project called The Walls, from one of the SCS groups, was the selected one.

The main reason for this choice is the way that this project tackles the difficult problem of building on a tight sloping site. The parallel terraces that climb the slope, seemed to the jury to be a simple and effective way of dealing with a difficult site.
The jury commented on the elegance of the long spaces lit from above, containing the kitchen and dining. They also found the circulation through the building to be very well resolved for the program. The jury also commented that the heavy walls of this building were in sympathy to local building traditions, and that they distinguished the building from installations nearby.

However, inputs about what needs to be reconsidered were given. The material of the walls, the foundations and some structural aspects have to be rethought.

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